What SELLING really means and how to be a Rockstar Salesperson!

15 years ago, I was a true rockstar at selling other people’s products. I actually sold $40k worth of jewelry in one month for another company! I could sell other people’s products all day long, but when it came to my own jewelry, my sales were few and far between.

I continued to put myself out there, though, and I finally broke into the excitement of selling my own jewelry line in San Francisco when I made $5k in one weekend. I landed wholesale accounts, brand ambassadors, true fans, the creator of the brand Prana wanted me in her stores, and Athleta reps wanted me in their catalog. Woohoo, I thought I had done it. All the years of trying were finally paying off and I was on my way to making it BIG.

Until it all came crashing down just a few months later in 2008 and I was back where I started. What I didn't realize at the time was that I was missing so much knowledge about business, marketing and sales, having a backup plan in place and the ability to reinvent when inevitable circumstances happen. I lumped myself in with all the other businesses struggling and wondering what to do. My sales went flat again.

But I was on a mission and I have to this day an unrelenting DRIVE to succeed, so I continued to study, take courses, join groups, and hire mentors that have gone before me. I implemented everything I learned and now selling has become one of my favorite things! Why? Because I understand what it really means!

Here’s a hot tip about sales: If you don’t find yourself or your brand (what you offer) to be of HIGH VALUE, your audience won’t either and your sales with suffer because of it. Belief in yourself and what you offer to the world is vitally important to success. I always say that personal and professional development go hand in hand because as you grow and up-level personally, so too will your business. Your business, your art, your products are all a reflection of YOU!

Take a good hard look at your BELIEFS because they can be changed!

That is exactly what I had to do and still do to this day: I check my beliefs again and again and continue to CHANGE THEM!!

Do you think after all these years of conducting and learning about business that I’m in the same place during the current crisis that I was in the crisis of 2008?

Absolutely not. I’m still selling and doing so DAILY.

Thank God for learning from mistakes right!?

I’ll be the first to admit that I hate making mistakes, and I often felt sorry for myself because of them, but they made me the brilliant business woman I am today and best of all, I can show YOU how to avoid them.

That is why I created Jewelry Business School. It’s everything I’ve learned, failed at, implemented and most importantly have access to…cutting edge digital sales and marketing techniques.

These techniques, if implemented, will help take YOU, your brand and sales goals to the next level because they are based on the cutting edge digital techniques that ALL entrepreneurs are using. I have travelled to events with 5000 people using these concepts to grow their businesses. Now, when I look at a business, I can tell instantly if they are using these strategies or not and I actually help entrepreneurs integrate them for sales growth.

Is it easy? Nothing worthy of our efforts to succeed is easy. It takes time, money, energy and implementation. Taking daily action is the only way, including a DAILY sales process, one that you CREATE. Business is Art baby, that’s why it’s so cool!

If you dream of starting your own business but don’t know where to start, I have FREE resources below for you as well as an entire business program that shows you the exact steps from start to Sexy, Savvy, Badass Business Owner & Entrepreneur!

So many of my students tell me before they sign up that they want to start their dream business but they just feel overwhelmed with where to start. So I put together a FREE 2 part video series on “How To Beat The Overwhelm Of Starting A Business” & “The First Steps In Creating A Business.”

I give you the inspiration to take the leap forward, an overall business breakdown and the exact first steps to take. You can sign up for it right here!

Here’s to investing in your DREAM, being BRAVE and becoming the rockstar business owner you were meant to be!
