Building Business With Sound Money

As a Jeweler, I have over the years become fascinated with metal markets and the inherent value of precious metals.

This in turn brought me to learn about global monetary policy, inflation and deflation and the difference between fiat currency and SOUND MONEY.

Throughout history, all fiat currencies have FAILED.

All of them.

Every single one.

If you are a citizen of the world, you are currently holding a fiat currency. This means that its value can go to ZERO.

And as history has proven, eventually they all go to zero.

On top of this, there is a little known thing called the ‘world’s reserve currency’ which has changed hands every 80-100 years. It is confidence in this particular currency that gives it the status of the one to rule them all.

But what happens when this status is taken away or transfers hands AND at the same time, the mirage of a fake valued fiat currency goes to zero?

Two things.

What you have always believed to be money becomes worthless and a global economic reset occurs.

This of course is important for everyone to know in order to protect your wealth, but as an Entrepreneur your business, the one you’ve spent years building, is also at stake.

While I firmly believe that Entrepreneurs have the ability to create money whenever they want, it is so critical to prepare for economic situations that can destroy what you have built. Situations like the possibility above, or others like inflation, which is occurring right now, though they try to hide it.

So what can you do to prevent your money from losing value and purchasing power while at the same time protecting your business?

Hold a portion of it in SOUND MONEY which can never go to zero.

The oldest and soundest form of money in the world has been and will always be precious metal. (Sorry Bitcoin, I still love you but you know, it’s a history thing and yours is really just beginning)

They are called PRECIOUS metals for a reason. They have been used as money, a store of value and an investment strategy for thousands of years.

You can of course buy physical metal, but there are also very cool ways to own precious metals without the hassle of storing them and with lightening speed liquidity.

Jewelers, though, have special access to precious metals that can stay within your business on repeat, turning your business into a sound asset that you can continue to leverage.

This means your business will outlive any economic scenario.

Kind of cool right? I think so.

This is why I love helping Jewelry Designers not only start a business or to scale it, but to BE Jewelers & Entrepreneurs with SOUND businesses.

If you have or are thinking about starting a jewelry business, wouldn’t you prefer to have one that works for you, one that you leverage to your advantage?

I’m here to show you how to do this and support you wherever you are on your business journey.

I created a webinar to show you ‘The Entrepreneurial & Wealth Building Business Model Jewelry Designers Use To Make Higher Profit Sales.’ Come take a look and you can book a call with me there!

Speak with you soon xx Meaghan